Spice Up Your Sex Life Challenge Results

It’s the end of February and the start of March! It’s funny how once it turns March we expect it to just not be winter anymore. Like we hope for it to be noticeably different.That is not the case out here in Chicago. It’s still in the 30s and I’m losing it! I need to move to California ASAP!

Spice Up Your Sex Life Challenge Complete

Okay, back to sex. For those of you who were following the Spice Up Your Sex Life Challenge, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope that you were able to do some to all of these things in the month of February! If you didn’t, no worries because spicing up your sex life is not just for the month of February. This is an everyday thing, honey. So, feel free to save and come back to this whenever you’re ready.

Thank you to my subscribers and readers

I’m sorry I didn’t get to document every single challenge like I hoped to. I started a new job and I’ve been working on including blogging and crocheting into my new busy schedule. I do appreciate everyone who is reading, commenting, and subscribing though! You guys are the best and I promise I won’t let you down! You are the reason why I write! You’re like me who clearly believes talking about sex is necessary to living a fulfilling authentic life!

While I didn’t document everything for this challenge, I was still thinking about it whenever I was doing something sexy. I mean I’m the one who created it, I hope so aha. And per my last post , I mentioned how I was going to do this challenge more like BINGO instead of following it everyday.

Here are my results for this February’s challenge. I think I did pretty good. I wish I could’ve checked off “Kiss the Opposite sex” but that was in January and I didn’t want to cheat! If you want to see my results for this challenge, keep reading!


Sensation Play: Sensation play is when you heighten your senses for sexual pleasure. I would say that I’m somewhat a masochist. A masochist is “a person who derives sexual gratification from being subjected to physical pain or humiliation.” I checked this off because I got my boobs squeezed hard, spanked, and my nipples bit. This is a must for me all the time!

Masturbate Meditation: Check out my post on masturbate meditation. I’ve masturbated while focusing on my breathing before but this was different. I first set the mood by burning palo santos to clear out any bad energy. The smell even turned me on. I think what made this experience different was setting an intention before I started masturbating. I told myself that it was about exploring my body and that there was no expectation of anything. This helped when my mind would wander. There were plenty of times where I found myself cumming too fast so I would have to slow it down. I felt like I was teasing myself the entire time while also discovering new sensations in my body.

Bring a sex toy in the bedroom: I always bring a sex toy in the bedroom. I even bring sex toys on vacation. At one point during my hoe days, I’d even carry around a vibrator in my bag just in case.

Use Extra Lube: I did this multiple times during February! I even did this while I was masturbating. If I could tell my younger self that lube is nothing to be embarrassed about I would! I would tell her “Use the entire bottle! DO IT!! It will feel so good!”

Do it anywhere but in the bedroom: I think I get the horniest in the living room so check!

Take a sexy selfie: There’s so many to choose from.

Give a sloppy blowjob: There is only one way to give a blowjob.

Flirt with a stranger: Does flirting with fans on onlyfans count?

Tell your partner what you want done sexually: I do this every time I have sex and you should, too! I am never afraid to ask my bf to go down on me. There are days where I just need that and that only. Get what you want!

Walk around naked: I thought that was the only way to walk around home?

Talk Dirty: ” You love this asian pussy?”

Masturbate in front of your partner:  Masturbating in front of your partner will make it seem like he’s watching real life masturbating porn. HOT! Also, check! Ya’ll know I love acting like a pornstar :P.

Have sex in front of the window: We have a gigantic window from ceiling to floor that has a landscape view of downtown Chicago. Fucking in front of the window with that view is motivating. It makes me think about the next view that we are going to fuck in front of.

Fuck like a pornstar: Staring deeply into his eyes. Moving my hips up and down his dick. Moaning so loud the neighbors hear.. Check!

Try flavored lube: I finally tried flavored lube from #LUBELIFE. They sent me a whole pack of flavored lubes. It had chocolate strawberry, mint chocolate chip, and champagne flavor. I will do an actual review on this soon. Let’s just say, flavored lube is not for me but I can definitely see why some people would enjoy it.

Share sexishblog.com with a friend: Always!

Give, give, give, without expecting: I am very submissive and I am a pleaser. CHECK!

Touch yourself with your hands only: Check!

Cum more than once: Always. Forever. Done. Check!

While I do most of these things already, I’m always trying to challenge myself sexually by switching it up. There’s days where I don’t want to be submissive and I want to be the one who carries the dick. This is how you should look at these activities. Make it your own and have fun with it.

Thank you again for everyone who participated! I hope that you feel a little bit more sexy and more you. I can’t wait for the next challenge. What do you think should be on it next?

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Stay Sexy & Curious!


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